pwnguin Nov 18th at 20:47

204 replies

nhruby  5 days ago

this is a weird article?

nhruby  5 days ago

It sort of meanders around the fact that a lot of places just retitled their Ops team to SRE and asked them to do more “devops”

nhruby  5 days ago

It also misses a lot in the “The Fetishization of Incident Response”  – books could be written on this and yet, it gets a quick pass with no point other than a clickbait headline

pwnguin  5 days ago

is it poor form to say i havent read it yet and just saw it elsewhere and cross-posted it here as a reminder to read it tonight :sweat_smile:


nhruby  5 days ago

haha, no, it happens

nhruby  5 days ago

but uhh, maybe skip it and just read some funny tweets that troll Elon instead

pwnguin  5 days ago

lot of places just retitled their Ops team to SRE

im starting to think that everyone would understand the role, and the gap between them and google, if it had been titled “Revenue Reliability Engineer”

nhruby  5 days ago

Given the convo I just had this morning, yes, I agree with that

rnelson0  5 days ago

The weird thing is this person worked at Google and references a lot of the SRE practices there, but I agree that it seems a “relabeled Ops team” article. Was Google SRE at the time actually much different than the book described or something?

rnelson0  5 days ago

There’s a lot of good stuff there tho for misnamed Ops teams!

pwnguin  5 days ago

like, exists and SRE teams should be able to match their work to improving many of those numbers

pwnguin  5 days ago

Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 3.20.50 PM.png 


Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 3.20.50 PM.png


rnelson0  5 days ago

I struggle with that in healthcare and infrastructure SRE. Yeah we sign up providers, but we get paid based on billing events. All I can do is work on the costs of the overall infra. The rest aren’t something we can really influence, and trying to figure out which billing events might be worth working on is a guess (spent a lot of money decreasing costs in Covid stuff just in time for states to end testing!)

pwnguin  4 days ago

sure, its hard to attribute churn to specific causes like “that 30 minute outage last week”

kurin  4 days ago

what are the units on that

pwnguin  4 days ago


pwnguin  4 days ago

ARPU does the magic for unit analysis

pwnguin  4 days ago

“say what you will about capitalists, at least its an ethos”

rnelson0  4 days ago

Lol yeah we do our best but units is just the first of many issues.

rnelson0  4 days ago

We can do churn for things like missing features leading to clients leaving, just not THEIR clients.

pwnguin  4 days ago

what are the units on that

oh, if the question is churn, it would basically be # of cancelled paying accounts (in the time window) (edited) 

pwnguin  4 days ago

and sure, healthcare is like, full of “other people’s money” problems

rnelson0  4 days ago

I guess we can probably quantify all the numbers on that equation, it’s just the relation to the work we do that’s hard.


pwnguin  4 days ago

acquisition: is marketing working, do they have budget to ramp inbound customers up. is google indexing our site successfully? conversion: are our landing pages working? does the signup flow work? ARPU: do our features work well enough to pay for? should we add a new pricing tier with dedicated support and SLAs? churn: are we missing SLOs? is that leading to cancelled accounts? can we make the site faster? (edited) 

pwnguin  4 days ago

arguably cost savings projects wont show up on this analysis unless you present it as a cost vs latency tradeoff


nhruby  4 days ago

cost savings influence burn rate and cash on hand, they are generally on the other set of equations from revenue (whihc you also need to be aware of)

Also sent to the channel

knyar  2 days ago

It’s a good article, but it could definitely use a more detailed intro to provide a bit more context about the problem space and the intended audience.Dave has basically built Google’s storage SRE org in Dublin, which (as I understand) was initially an outlier in terms of how much operational load they had: a bunch of products with internal customers (what people call “platform” nowadays) that was very toil-heavy. He has a lot of expertise on how to run teams like that (see Bad Machinery paper that predates the SRE book) and this article mostly focuses on how these sort of teams are perceived by the “Dev partners” (at Google most SRE teams are “funded” by the development org, and for each additional headcount leadership for each product basically makes a decision on whether to invest into Dev or SRE).I don’t think Google had an “Ops team” to rename into SRE, but SRE at Google was created as an ops team, just a one that is staffed by software engineers (SRE is what happens when you ask a software engineer to design an operations team). I think it’s still true today: majority of services are supported by their respective dev teams (DevOps model), but the most critical services also have dedicated SRE teams that do oncall + reliability work.In the last ~5 years I believe many senior SRE folks have been re-evaluating whether the ops aspect of SRE is critical/important, and what the value prop of SRE without oncall is (as alluded in this article, Dev leaders often see SRE as a way to isolate oncall/toil from the main dev team). Some folks (like Yaniv) suggest that SRE could focus primarily on reliability analysis, but this basically requires changing the core skill set for SREs from “software engineering + systems + networking” to “software engineering + data science”.So that article would probably make little sense if you don’t have a large SRE organization with oncall/ops being core to the identity and funding model of the org. Most companies don’t have these problems, and that’s a good thing. (edited) 

Alex  1 day ago

@knyar There was a sysadmin org at Google that existed alongside SRE for a long time. They were indeed at one point told they were now also SRE in a wholesale renaming process.  (edited) 

Alex  1 day ago

Many of them based in Dublin even.

Alex  1 day ago

This was before my time so I can’t speak to all of the details, but I do know some people were scared about the change because they didn’t think they could code well enough to be “SRE” and thought they’d end up performing badly in terms of their renamed role.

pugmajere  1 day ago

SRE @ Google began as a group of software engineers who realized that nobody was actually making sure that production ran.  That things stayed running.  This group began as “production-oncall” and, I think, production software (as one group).Later, those two split, the organization was renamed to SRE, Ads SRE was created in a panic to be able to IPO (Google was, I think, the first company to IPO post-SOX and therefore, one of the very first companies to have to meet all the requirements).Ads SRE was built up by stealing a bunch of people from “sysops”.  Sysops was a traditional ops organization.  When I started in 2006, people on that team were doing short (~8 hour) oncall shifts, infrequently, in a rotation of something like 100+ people.  The odds of being paged for a system you worked on were abysmal, so it was all reading docs and such.Dave was the second SRE hired in Dublin, IIRC, as part of ramping up a group to be SRE for Gmail (the 3rd SRE team built.)The group as “production-oncall” eventually picked up a bunch of transfers from sysops, split into Search SRE and Traffic SRE as the scope got bigger.In parallel with some of this, Sysops was entirely focused on the corp side of things, and production was being neglected, so another ops team was built up, called “clusterops”.  This was a team of very junior people, asked to do all the crap things of keeping GFS running, which was … not a fun job at that point. (Think: thousands of machines, ~zero automation for taking bad machines out of the cluster.)Eventually, clusterops was reformed into 3 SRE teams, with better support and staffing and formed the first real “storage” SRE team.So, SRE at Google had at least 3 separate origins, 2 of which were heavily ops-practice based, though the renaming into SRE was a strong signal that nobody was liking that mode.

pugmajere  1 day ago

The way headcount is done in SRE @ Google is a major part of SRE’s disfunction there. It’s very transactional: “You need more headcount? What service are you going to run so my developers don’t have to?“This ends up with SRE teams owning a dozen loosely related systems and only really understanding how a few of them work. Usually, this ends up meaning that people understand the noisiest systems, and not the most important ones, which is a fun situation.

pugmajere  1 day ago

As to the more modern “Storage” SRE teams … when GCP was really growing and trying to become relevant in the Cloud market, the Storage SRE teams somehow ended up as second tier support (maybe 3rd, I’m a little fuzzy on that).  This was incredibly toil filled for them, AIUI, since everyone who did something like, “I made a bad Spanner schema and I don’t know why my performance sucks” would get to them. Eventually, this was improved by realizing that SRE isn’t that kind of organization and much of that support was shifted to the dev team.  (This sets up appropriate incentives much better.)

Alex  1 day ago

Corp Sysops was also at one point pretty much redefined as Corp SRE.

Alex  1 day ago

Corp here being the demarcation point between google’s “production/customer facing” services and internal services relied upon by Google employees more directly.

pugmajere  1 day ago

Oh, I suppose I should clarify that most of what I wrote there is about the production side of SRE.

Alex  1 day ago

Think financial databases, legal databases, the actual desktop and laptop fleet, etc.

pugmajere  1 day ago

Though the line got pretty blurry as the Corp side was empowered to use production for stuff.

Alex  1 day ago

Yeah, just adding a bit more flavor since I spent time in Corp. :slightly_smiling_face:

Alex  1 day ago

For anyone following along a home.

pugmajere  1 day ago

I think that Corp Sysops had been acting more like SRE, out of self-preservation if nothing else, before that rename happened…. but that might just be my impression from a distance.

pugmajere  1 day ago

(btw, <== rda@)

Alex  1 day ago

(ahidalgo@ here – Ads SRE, Managed Systems, Prodmon, CRE) (edited) 

knyar  1 day ago

Oh nice, thanks for sharing the actual history behind this, folks. I only joined in 2014 at which point SRE was already very large and reached the level of maturity described in the first book.So I guess we could say that the comment about this article coming from a “relabeled Ops team” perspective is actually accurate since that’s exactly what Google did? :slightly_smiling_face:

pugmajere  1 day ago

It’s… well, it’s really just more complicated than that, but yeah, it’s not wrong, just not where the first group of people who were SREs came from.

Ben  1 day ago

I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing that ops teams became SRE

Ben  1 day ago

Ops teams were, generally, the folks already thinking about how the systems behaved as a whole. Who understood the glue inbetween them. And who understood the foundations (platform) they were built on.

Ben  1 day ago

It’s also worth noting that devops as a concept was born from this ops/sysadmin culture, and wasn’t about making devs do ops but breaking down the line between them and trying to persuade devs to have a better understanding of what they were building.

Ben  1 day ago

As for this article specifically, I don’t think Dave is necessarily wrong. I think he’s addressing something very specific to Google.

Ben  1 day ago

The SRE charter, as he refers to it, is much broader in scope in other organizations

Ben  1 day ago

He asks, what does SRE do if you remove oncall? The answer in almost any place that isn’t google is a lot

pugmajere  1 day ago

After spending almost 15 years at Google in SRE, my conclusion is that Google’s approach isn’t the right one.Both SRE and Devops have the same underlying goals, I think: Make the dev process include the operational costs as part of the planning… Something akin to thinking about TCO, I suppose.The problem with Google’s version of SRE is that it’s very easy to lose track of it when it’s two teams, and one of those teams is utterly dependent on the other for headcount.  (SRE teams can, in theory, push back, up to the point of refusing to support a given thing, but that’s pretty much a desperation move and a sign of massive organizational failure.)

Ben  1 day ago

These are problems very specific to Google, I think. heh

pugmajere  1 day ago

Google has a policy of “oncall compensation” for time spent oncall, regardless of whether or not you get paged. (This grew out of EU labor law, but also early Google SRE paid oncall bonsues to SWEs, but not SAs in the US, which was, umm, kind of insulting.) This is paid at two different rates, depending on the oncall response SLO.I tried to convince a coworker of mine that the goal of every SRE team should be to strive to be on the cheaper  rate, because the systems don’t need a ~5 minute response, because they are very resilient and self-healing…. and I failed to convince them.  The “SRE is really about oncall” is baked into that culture in a deeply unhealthy way, I think.

Ben  1 day ago

Yeah, that’s a yikes

pugmajere  1 day ago

Yeah, this is pretty Google specific.  It’s also one of the reasons I’ve generally been preferring something like “Production Engineering” as a better term for the practices we’re talking about.

Ben  1 day ago

And I’m not even a fan of production engineering, because of course, it implies that this is entirely about production systems. Which, of course it is not.

Ben  1 day ago

I really want people to just simplify and come to the understanding that this is just plain systems engineering

pugmajere  1 day ago


Ben  1 day ago

Realistically, we involve ourselves in the platforms that our services are built on, the utilities that teams integrate their services with, and having the higher level understanding of how to integrate systems to help guide development teams to deploying the best services they can.

pugmajere  1 day ago

(SAs at Google got reclassified as “System Engineers” at some point, which complicates using that name a bit, unfortunately.)

Ben  1 day ago

If I had my druthers, we would drop all the other names and just use computing systems engineering (edited) 

Ben  1 day ago

No offense to Google, but we really shouldn’t let them drive this particular narrative anymore. lol

pugmajere  1 day ago

Oh, yes, they are optimized for a set of problems that ~5 companies in the world have.

Ben  1 day ago

Hell, when you pull up the systems engineering page on Wikipedia the first paragraph is a laundry list of things we do

Alex  1 day ago

I can’t wait for the SRECon EMEA videos to be released.

Alex  1 day ago

There were multiple talks about this stuff exactly.

Ben  1 day ago

I love it

Alex  1 day ago

Including the talk that article was based off of.

Alex  1 day ago

It was a talk first. Ha

Alex  1 day ago

Also Andrew Clay Shafer and I both gave keynotes very aligned with the “What even is SRE actually in 2022 and what should it be?” theme.  (edited) 

Ben  1 day ago

“focuses on how to design, integrate, and manage complex systems over their life cycles”“Issues such as requirements engineering, reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams, testing and evaluation, maintainability and many other disciplines necessary for successful system design, development, implementation, and ultimate decommission become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals with work-processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools in such projects.”

Ben  1 day ago

Literally all things most SRE/DevOps/Platform/Production/whatever teams do

Alex  1 day ago

A few sneak peak pictures I have that’ll set the tone for my talk

Alex  1 day ago

3 files 

Alex  1 day ago

“What the fuck does this mean?” “Here is a very long list” “Y’all we’re not all Google” (edited) 

Alex  1 day ago

That’s basically my talk. Hahaha

Ben  1 day ago

I could kiss you


Ben  1 day ago

I’ve been trying to say this for years

rnelson0  1 day ago

Reading the scrollback all I can think is that it’s a good thing nobody tries to mirror how Google does SRE! :troll-peek:  (edited) 

Ben  1 day ago

honestly it wouldn’t make sense

rnelson0  1 day ago

When did that ever stop anyone tho?

pwnguin  1 day ago

I would like to report to you that the company that prefers to Think Different does, but…

Ben  1 day ago


pwnguin  1 day ago

too many xooglers

Ben  1 day ago

will keep in mind as I’m interviewing for SRE at fruit

pugmajere  1 day ago

Last I heard, Google was up close to 4000 SREs.

pugmajere  1 day ago

So there are just a lot of them floating around. :slightly_smiling_face:

pugmajere  1 day ago

s/them/us/ I suppose.

pwnguin  1 day ago

okay, thats a way we differ: google has a unified hiring process, we let every front line manager make shit up

Mike Nguyen  1 day ago

Wow, 4000.

Alex  1 day ago

When I joined even as late as 2011 it was about 350 I believe. With a ratio to 20K+ SWE.

Alex  1 day ago

Maybe it was 550. One of those two numbers.

Maggie Johnson-Pint  1 day ago

Since it hasn’t been brought up, as far as I can tell having spent a LOT of time talking to google SREs without ever having been one, a lot of what they were able to do there comes down to a comp structure heavily biased towards peer review instead of manager review. In that structure the cross team thing behaves very differently. The incentives are simply different. so is the underlying automation infrastructure - these add up to a story that basically cant’ be replicated elsewhere.

Alex  1 day ago

That doesn’t feel correct to me as someone that was a Google SRE for about 8 years.

Alex  1 day ago

The review part.

Alex  1 day ago

Of course at Google we had amazing infra.

Maggie Johnson-Pint  1 day ago

No claims to be authoritative. Just experiences from frustrations in Niall’s org at Microsoft and what they usually boiled down to :woman-shrugging:

Maggie Johnson-Pint  1 day ago

Nialls org -> Azure SRE 2018 to 2020 ish

rnelson0  1 day ago

Nodding not about the specifics which I wouldn’t know, but that “Google has different comp structure” cause that seems to be something a lot of the “do it like Google” companies really miss.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Google has secured an investment in infrastructure and quality that very few companies achieve. The investment Google has secured would likely not work at most orgs because they’d be overspending, not based on need, but revenue curve. In the early days it was 10% of engineering, but fluctuated over time. I think most companies are lucky to get their non-technical leadership to understand they need a 2-3% investment. That kind of keeps basic operations at bay but doesn’t add reliability.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

When in reality they need closer to 7-8% but the revenue officers just don’t understand the value add from that type of investment.

Maggie Johnson-Pint  1 day ago

I think it varies by business model. “Every ad not served is money lost” is very different than B2B

Ben  1 day ago

All of this is also confounded by startups, in which product development and infra development have strange relationships

Ben  1 day ago

and at different maturation stages as well.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

You mean like, “I need one person to do all the things and they must be done right now or we go bankrupt”? Yes, that’s it’s own special revenue curve :slightly_smiling_face: One that keeps me up at nights at times

Ben  1 day ago

Or just when you are making decisions about what infrastructure to spin up to support early features

Ben  1 day ago

Or, perhaps more interestingly, when you are exiting the initial feature development and ideation phase and moving to one where you want to grow and start making real revenue. Suddenly you have to move from experimentation to a stable platform very quickly, and that costs money.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

I’m not sure there’s an emoticon that nods vigorously enough to display the agreement with your statement.

Ben  1 day ago


Maggie Johnson-Pint  1 day ago

@Joseph Bironas can I make a whole bunch of lambdas tomorrow?(I work with Joseph on his product team. is troll post) (edited) 

Ben  1 day ago


Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Only if they make more money than we spend on them. (I can troll back, can’t I?)

Ben  1 day ago

but lambdas are basically free!

Ben  1 day ago

(don’t hurt me)

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago


rnelson0  1 day ago

From serverless to budgetless :innocent:

Maggie Johnson-Pint  1 day ago

I’ll stick up for the product teams a bit on this one - the reliability tooling ecosystem has decided that nothing outside Kubernetes exists or needs to be managed, so when we say that Lambdas aren’t good to manage or robust it’s also our own fault. Circular. But not the main point of this thread.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

going through the scrollback, history of SRE is largely told by rda correctly. Prodteam was funded from SWEs who cared, that became SRE, when treynor came in and started consolidating power under the SRE org. He’s a lifelong SWE so he ran operations like SRE and viola, SRE was born. Different pieces that were managing infrastructure, and other services came together under the umbrella (for example, I was one of the original group of “cluster ops” who ran “workqueue” and “gfs” before borg was a thing) and GMail support spun out of that group, then it got absorbed into SRE. That’s basically 2004-2006 FWIW

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

We should write a history book.

Alex  1 day ago

I’m down to participate being interviewed for an “oral history of SRE” style thing. That could be neat.  (edited) 

Alex  1 day ago

“HIDALGO: That’s when I realized that embracing a certain amount of failure was really the truth all along.”

Ben  1 day ago

I feel like that story needs to be threaded with what was happening out in the real world at the same time

Alex  1 day ago

Like the occupation of Iraq and the 2008 economic downturn?

Ben  1 day ago


Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

You can go back to Marc Alvidrez lightening talk on error budgets to get a sense of what was going on at that point (I forget the year). That came out of Ads, mayhaps rda has a bit more detail of how it came about.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago 2015 it looks like, but I know it was in use earlier than that.

Ben  1 day ago

The devops emergence in late 2000s surely had a hand in this as well

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

I’m going to say I loosely remember error budgets from 2012 or so

Alex  1 day ago

We tracked them down to 2003 or so at HP I believe?

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

I wasn’t really in touch with the devops bits, but it’s hard to believe that by 2008 or so there wasn’t some beginning of cross pollination @ ElGoog someone else might know more definitively (edited) 

Alex  1 day ago

DevOps came to being entirely separately from SRE. No cross pollination surprisingly.

Ben  1 day ago

well, I suspect some of the ideas of silo busting crossed

Alex  1 day ago

Just the multiple invention effect. Multiple people trying to solve the same problem.  (edited) 

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

I don’t know. Maybe. I just don’t believe ideas don’t propagate more loosely than that.

Ben  1 day ago

Ops folks stepping in and saying “Hey, no, you can’t just throw code over the wall. We’re coming to help”.

Alex  1 day ago

I’ve literally spent this fall researching this and talking to all of those people. :grin:

Alex  1 day ago

I trust they didn’t lie to me saying they hadn’t heard of SRE.

Ben  1 day ago

I’m sure they hadn’t since it wasn’t really a thing in 2008/2009 heh

Alex  1 day ago

And didn’t take any ideas from Google who at the time was very closed and shared almost nothing.


Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Oh, that I believe. I’m saying I don’t believe SRE hadn’t heard of DevOps by that time.

Ben  1 day ago

devops predated SRE as an org by a few years

Alex  1 day ago

Oh fair. Sorry for the confusion.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Indeed, Google was very insular in the early days. Lots of sekret stuff.

Alex  1 day ago

No. SRE was formulated in 2004. DevOps was first named several years later.

Ben  1 day ago

SRE at google?

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Yes. (I was there :slightly_smiling_face:

Alex  1 day ago


Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

I don’t remember the DevOps timeline, I only learned about it later.

Ben  1 day ago


Ben  1 day ago

devops as a movement really formed around 07/08

Alex  1 day ago

DevOps was first given a name in 2008 or 2009 I believe. I don’t have my notes in front of me. I’m laying in bed snuggling with a dog.

Alex  1 day ago

Not as early as 2007 but the ideas leading to it of course had been in motion for a long time.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

I fully support not looking it up in this case.

Ben  1 day ago

it was mostly blog writings and a topic at conferences

Ben  1 day ago


pugmajere  1 day ago

There were enough Google SREs who were LISA regulars that I’d be surprised if some of the ideas didn’t cross over.


Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

I’m not sure how much the history matters at this point honestly.

Alex  1 day ago

We might actually need a history of this written at this point, huh?

Alex  1 day ago

Reverse jinx.

Ben  1 day ago

I don’t think the name came about until like 2009

Ben  1 day ago

VelocityConf ish?

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

:shrug: I’ve tried to move on from the historian role

Ben  1 day ago

and then the formation of devopsdays

Alex  1 day ago

I think it was an Andrew Clay Shafer talk at Velocity that year?

Ben  1 day ago

and Patrick Debois

Ben  1 day ago

no wait, Patrick couldn’t make it

Ben  1 day ago

hence devopsdays

Ben  1 day ago

fwiw, I think this kind of history is important to make note of. It provides important context about why we do the things we do now.

Ben  1 day ago

I’ve met way too many devs that don’t know the history of C, Unix, and Berkley for example. :disappointed:

Alex  1 day ago

Agreed. and also again why you’ll enjoy several of the SRECon EMEA talks this year.

Ben  1 day ago


Alex  1 day ago

A few of us old people at least touch on this.

Alex  1 day ago

And a few of us old people may be proposing some interesting history talks for Americas in March. :grin:

Ben  1 day ago

There was interesting topic mixing at the time too. Those of us who were all in on config management like Puppet seemed much more amenable to adopting more agile systems work processes

Ben  1 day ago

Folks who were also friendlier to the use of OSS, non-traditional enterprise software replacements (eg. Oracle to MySQL), early concepts that became microservices, etc.

Alex  1 day ago

Yeah, no, seriously. You need to see Andrew’s and my keynotes from EMEA. I think they might have actually been made for you.

Alex  1 day ago

Videos any day now. :joy:

Ben  1 day ago

if Andrew’s in on it then no wonder I’m on the same page with you. heh

Ben  1 day ago

I absolutely was on board with what he had to say back then.

Alex  1 day ago

He’s a smart dude and a good person. Like him a lot.

Ben  1 day ago


Ben  1 day ago

haven’t seen him in years, that bums me out

Alex  1 day ago

He’s doing well!

Ben  1 day ago


Ben  1 day ago

and March is sold out. yay

Ben  1 day ago

I guess I’ll have to schmooze my way in

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Sorry, was off eating. The history is interesting and useful. I just don’t think the search for what came first matters. I think we’ve learned that there are so many variables involved in making either model successful that it’s less useful to talk about history and more useful to talk about adaptation and adoption.

Ben  1 day ago

Top of mind for me is the fracturing of our profession

Ben  1 day ago

Items like sysadmin being lesser than devops being lesser than SRE yet it’s all the same dang job.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Yeah, and take any of those away, and you know who’s job it is? Devs. :100: agree with you.

Ben  1 day ago

Very unhappy devs. heh

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

It predates me, but that’s how the whole Prodteam thing came about. Unhappy devs who cared about quality and formed a group to make it better. (this is from a verbal history that Lucas told me at one point)

Ben  1 day ago

that’s fascinating to me because while I absolutely know those devs, I also recognize that a huge majority of devs want absolutely nothing to do with any aspect of it.

Ben  1 day ago

(and get grumpy when you ask them to think about it)

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Yeah, I know those devs too. I secretly judge them.

Ben  1 day ago

I don’t

Ben  1 day ago

thinking at the system level, it’s a challenge and a chore

Ben  1 day ago

not everyone seems built for it

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Good for you person. Good empathy. I like it.. (edited) 

Ben  1 day ago

well, there’s also this. The world needs lots and lots and lots of jobs where people can come in to work, just do their thing, and then leave, without having to get invested in something so much bigger.

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago

Indeed. Caring is a blessing and a curse.

Ben  1 day ago

insert philosophical conversation here

Joseph Bironas  1 day ago