Every page is page one

Mark Baker wrote a book called Every Page is Page One.

I haven’t yet read it, but the book looks at how people consume information online, and goes into how web content isn’t consumed like a book, but rather as individual snippets from different sources/sites.

It also talks about content on the web being organized as “bottom up” instead of top-down. Instead of having a predefined hierarchy and narrative, readers are invited to follow their own course based on their preexisting knowledge and the goals they’re trying to achieve.

A web is organized bottom up. Every page is page one, and every page is a hub linked to other pages by a web of subject affinities. Hierarchies flatten reality. Organizing content from the bottom up allows us to express more complex relationships that are more true to the irregular nature of the real world. Beyond a certain scale, only bottom-up organization is effective.

Every Page is Page One topics are designed to be navigated from the bottom up (even if they are also part of a top-down organization) and to support the reader in steering their own course through the content. To do this, they must link richly along lines of subject affinity.

All of this reminds me of Zettelkasten and Digital Gardens.