Switching obsidian-export to CalVer
With today's release of obsidian-export I'm switching from Semantic Versioning (SemVer) to Calendar Versioning (CalVer). This post explains the reasons behind this decision.
Obsidian Export
Obsidian-export is a Rust libary and CLI program to export an Obsidian vault to regular Markdown.
Clean up unused build files created by cargo
Requires https://crates.io/crates/cargo-sweep Clean all build files older than 7 days: cargo sweep -r -t 7 ~/ Clean all build files not made by any of the currently installed (by Rustup) compilers: cargo sweep -r -i ~/
Rust: Structuring and handling errors in 2020
After working through “the book” on the Rust programming language and getting started with the first non-trivial, real-world application I found myself faced with a question I didn’t yet feel well-equipped to handle: “How should you structure error handling in a mature rust application?”